Friday, March 21, 2014

Juice Plus+

Juice Plus+
Orchard Blend
Garden Blend

 I've been taking these pills everyday.
And let me tell you....
They give me so much energy. 

On top of that 
Juice Plus+ gives me the intake that I need for fruits and vegetables
That I normally don't get 
For the fact that I don't eat as much fruits and vegetables that I should be eating.
For me
This pills have become real handy since I haven't been eating meat. 

So what is Juice Plus+? 
According to their webpage....

"Juice Plus+ Not a multivitamin, medicine, treatment or cure for any disease, Juice Plus+ is all-natural and made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule so you can enjoy improved nutrition and wellness."

Health is a key to a happy life.
Take the steps to be healthy.

For more information about Juice Plus+ 
And some of their other health products 
Check out their webpage 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lookout: Dancer/Choreographer_Wesley Holloway

Wesley Holloway

Wesley Holloway is a creative and talented dancer/choreographer.
He is formally from Illinois but moved to Texas to pursue his love for dance.

Wes is currently a dancer/choreographer/director of a team called First Class.

Just when you thought one team would be hard to manage....

He is also a dancer/choreographer/director for the
University of Houston's Filipino Association (FSA) Modern Hip-Hop dance team.

First Class participated and won the title of Best of Texas.
Most recently the team competed in a competition called National Dance Association (NDA).
They placed second!

(Picture: First Class dance team)

Checkout this YouTube video of First Class title win of Best of Texas.

(FSA) Modern Hip-Hop dance team competed in a yearly competition called Goodphil.
This year the team placed second!

(Picture: University of Houston's Filipino Association (FSA) Modern Hip-Hop dance team)

Checkout this YouTube of (FSA) Modern Hip-Hop dance team @ Goodphil

As you all can see...
Wesley Holloway is putting in work!
And on top of that he is killing it!

Aside from Wes spending a lot of his time on the dance floor.
He is currently working on a clothing line called
Fluorescent BLVCX Apparel.

The clothing line will be launching later this spring/summer.
To keep updated on the works of Fluorescent BLVCX Apparel 
Follow on Instagram @BLVCXAPPAREL 
Follow on Twitter @BLVCXAPPAREL 

(Photo: Wesley Holloway. Shot by: Brain Carpenter) 

Make sure you follow Wesley Holloway
Facebook: Wes Lambeau Holloway   
Twitter: @BackPackBlu
Instagram: @FluorescentBLVCX


Sunday, March 9, 2014


Spicy Veggie

I wanted to do this post because it has now been over a month since I've ate meat.

I wanted to give a quick yummy recipe 
Spicy Veggie Lasagna.

One weekend I went home 
And my beautiful mom made this no-meat lasagna for me.

And I am going to share it all with you!

What you will need.
-Lasagna Pasta (She used wheat pasta)
-Tomato Sauce
-Ricotta Cheese
-Italian Shredded  Cheese
-Cyan Pepper, Italian Season, Garlic Power, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Coconut Oil, Parmesan Cheese 
-1 Egg
-Black Beans
-Pan to put lasagna in.
-And your choice of veggies (She used a veggie mix from WholeFoods)

The veggies we had were
Butternut Squash
Red/Yellow Peppers
Green/Red Cabbage

Prepare your Ricotta Cheese.
Mix you ricotta cheese with your egg and add some parmesan cheese to the mixture.

Prepare mix veggies.
Saute veggie in coconut oil. 
Add some slat, pepper, garlic powder, and cyan pepper to the veggies.
Cook until slightly brown.

Take your pan and add some coconut oil to the bottom so it wont stick.
Add your layer of pasta to the bottom of the pan.
Add your tomato sauce just enough to cover the pasta.
Then add your seasonings.
-Italian seasoning
-Cyan pepper 
-Garlic power
Add your layer of ricotta cheese
Then add some mix veggies

Repeat the third step 2 more times. 
So you have 3 layers of pasta.

Lastly add a layer of Italian shredded cheese to the top.

Bake in over in 450 degrees fahrenheit 
For and hour.



Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mint, Peppermint, Mint

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap
Hemp Peppermint Pure Castile

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap is truly magical.
This is an all purpose natural soap.

And it's certified fair trade.
If you don't know what fair trade means, 
I will tell you.

"Purchasing practices that require producers to pay workers a living wage, well more than the prevailing minimum wage, and offer other benefits, like onsite medical treatment."

Great? I know right.

There are many different types that you can purchase.
But my favorite is peppermint.

This soap is used for many things.
Household Cleaner. Dish Soap. Grease Remover. 
But for me I use it 3 different ways.

1) Body Wash.
-Love Love Love how this makes my body feels. I love how the peppermint leaves my body feel tingly. And It leaves my body squeaky clean. Like I can literally rub my finger against my body and it will make a squeak noise.

2) Face Wash.
-Using this on my face really wakes me up in the morning. Making my face feeling really refreshed. The cooling affect heals my skin breath. 

3) Hair Wash.
-I don't use this too often on my hair but when I do my scalp loves it. Peppermint helps simulates hair growth. So I try to use this once a month. I focus the product only on my scalp. Because I put it all over my hair stands, it tends to strip the natural oils from my hair. I know many people who uses this as a everyday shampoo and loves it.

To get more information on Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap visit the website 

I purchased my soap from Target
Retailing @
$10.99 for 16oz. 
