Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love Day

Valentine's Day 2014

Hello everyone!
I hoped you all enjoyed your Valentine's day!
I know I did.

I got to spend my day with my wonderful boyfriend.
It was a very special day because we spent it together.

We are a simple couple. 
So spend our day doing simple things.

I was excited because he took the time to cook me breakfast.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love food.
-French Toast
-Bacon (I didn't eat because I am now a vegetarian)

Then we went back to our childhood days and went to SkyHigh Sports.
To get our jump on.
Which was so much fun.
And a great workout.

Checkout a clip of us getting our jump on
on Instagram 

Afterwards we went and ate.
Tony's meal (Patty Melt, Cajun Fries, Vanilla Shake)
My Meal (ALT~Avocado, Lettuces, Tomatos~ Original Fries)

When back to the house and dyed Tony's Hair!!!
Still working on the color.

I will have a blog about me dying his hair soon.
So keep a lookout for it!

Then went around town to different shops. 
Looking and Roaming.
Went to H Mart .
And bought Aloe Vera Drinks
Sooo good!!

Picked up Chinese food.
Then sipped on vodka and our aloe drinks.

Called it a night.

And how we like it.
It's also a good time when we are together.


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