Saturday, February 1, 2014

Superbowl 2014

Seahawks vs. Broncos 

The big Superbowl is coming up.
Seattle Seahawks vs. Denver Broncos
Who do you think will win this game?

Both teams are very good.
Both teams have different advantages.

-GREAT secondary defense. 
If they can hold off the Broncos offense they can make it a challenging game.
-Richard Sherman. 
Great player that talks a lot. He's going to keeps his team pumped and ready to go.

-Peyton Manning.
Amazing quarterback. 
If Manning makes smart passes and shutdown under pressure. Seahawks are in for one.  
-Overall GREAT offensive team.

So who will win?
My choice.
Seattle Seahawks.
I always say. defense wins a game.

I hope everyone enjoy the Superbowl game.
It's going to be a good one. 


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